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Monday, March 26, 2012

A Bit of Magic In Japan, Kind of

A Wee Bit of Magic in Japan, Kind of

Look at the glow. Its like a free flashlight. By the way don't stick a bunch in a plastic bag people get "upset".

There are some things that you can do in Japan that are kind of magical. Although I guess technically you could do it in other countries such as Canada, it definitely does not have the same feeling. Take fireflies for example. In Canada, at least as far as I am aware people don’t take food to a river at night to enjoy the magical glow of the fireflies while listening to the sounds of nature. Actually just listening to the thought of it, people would probably laugh and say “Seriously? Are you kidding me?”. That being said, I would count it as one of the most magical moments I experienced in Japan that I wouldn't even think about trying to duplicate it here. Imagine asking your friends “Hey guys wanna go to the river, bring a picnic blanket and sit and watch fireflies?”. You will be laughed at for the rest of your life. Some of them may even ask you be committed to the mental asylum.
Imagine asking a girl. "Hello, how bout you and me go down by the river and enjoy a little glow of the flies?". Trust me, its not a good pickup line I've tried it (or maybe I didn't, if I did I don't want to admit it).
What is the point of this firefly viewing? Well it puts you on level 12 of the plateau of spiritual existence. What does that mean? I have no idea, but damn that sounded deep. English Honours 12, thanks for the layer onion technique (that doesn't mean anything I made it up).
The level 12 is like the Matrix, only minus the computer, technology and anything to do with having your body used as energy to feed robot energy (on the other hand I can't disprove it, so I could be in the Matrix). Someone on the street did tell me "Say hi to Morpheus" the other day when I was wearing my long black trench coat.

Eww fireflies look kind of gross when you can see them in light. Sick!

That wasn't the only magical moments but it was one of the best. Another of my other little special moments was of koyo or “leaf viewing”. What the heck is that you ask? Well its pretty much the it sounds. You pretty much walk to a place where there are a lot of leaves that are falling or have already fallen or where the trees are starting to lose their leaves and the colours are beautiful. Yes that’s right, beautiful! If you don’t believe me Google it, I don’t have a skill for taking pictures and a website to show you nor can I think of the words to describe it, and yes I am not insane (possible).
When I describe it, and if you haven’t done it, it sounds a bit ridiculous. Who goes around looking at leaves? They must be high you think. High on life !? Hahah, not funny!? 

Its not of leaves, but its still pretty. Imagine a bush of nice colours like a pattern made by nature instead. If I can say so I'm a good photographer. Toot my own horn.

If you found anything above amusing or even slightly funny help me out and click one of those boxes above or give me a Google +1 or something. Might come in handy in the future. If only it could make me some money. That would be even nicer!

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