You probably thought, I've come to the wrong blogpost, it sounds a little off (not only off from the centre, its justified! Like as in word format, justified! Not like Justin Timberlake).
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It would help if its JUSTIFIED. Or not! |
Well anywho.....
This nice expression I heard a few times. I wondered what was up with that. I noticed due to Japan having a lot of people there seemed to be a rush to do things fast.
I'm not sure if this is unique to Japan, or even to everyone.
Its more from the WWII days, so its a bit dated, but the point I guess is do your main functions fast.
Many a time I would be trying to enjoy the first bites of my food when I was told we were going to leave the restaurant.
WTF? I just started eating though. I always considered filling up my pockets with whatever food it was (sushi, curry, tonkatsu, tempura). Cause I'm sure those will sit well in your pockets and not stain your groin area. If they do just say you went to bathroom in your pants (cause that's cool and adult-like).
I think soy sauce comes out well from clothes anyways, so not to worry (I'm kidding. Once its set in, you are screwed, I did it once to a pair of beige corduroys pants. I continued to wear them and people continued to point out there was a stain. A never ending cycle. I don't believe in throwing things out regardless of how stained they are or holes).
I was always the last to finish eating. I felt guilty (but not as bad as those people with dead hookers in their trunk. Shizam! Terrible I know). I would look around and everyone would wait for me. I knew they were not subtle hints when they said "Its getting late", "We need to go", "We are using a lot of valuable time".
But seriously if I don't have time to digest properly things might not sit well (and I really mean that).
Sh%t Fast
When it came to the bathroom there was good and bad.
The good was that I had to go and I seemed to be on a liquid only stool. I didn't need much time, everything came out from the faucet so to speak (graphic I know, but hey at least I didn't link it to curry).
The bad, I now linked it with curry while saying that, sorry. In addition, while it was fast, it was a repeat like a record stuck on one part forever (most of you probably don't even know what a record is, or an 8 bit NES. I am getting old. I used to think 8 bit was f'n amazing. Now people have 3D, 4K and 360 video/ games).
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I had a few problems, not sure if due to the food or due to eating the food too fast. |
Die Fast
I sometimes repeat the expression myself to keep myself on track. As I can't seem to do it eat fast, sh%t fast, die fast. At least the first one. The other two, maybe. I haven't tried the third, but I'm sure its easy enough, you probably only need one try (and I'm not willing to do it, no matter what my psychologist tells you). My A.D.H.D (ADD)/ hypochondriac (anxious about health issues). psychotic state seems to have levelled itself due to the placebo pills of sugar. Cause you know sugar is always good for you (especially if nuts). By the way if I know its a placebo I'm not nuts, cause I'm tricking my mind into believing it. That means I'm part Star Wars JEDI (not Anakin though because "Spoiler alert" he's a bad one and becomes Darth VADER!)
I'm just kidding I don't have any of those or have a psychologist (yet), but after hearing this expression a few times, it definitely sent me closer to that path (of non enlightenment).
I may be slightly O.C.D, I like to wash my hands till my skin shines, but other than that I'm relatively normal (except for the dead hooker's in my trunk SHIZAM! I got you again).
There was only one thing I wanted while eating out in Japan (at a restaurant), I get to eat slowly, the other two can come later (sounds sexual somehow but its not).
Alas (that's a cool descriptive word), I see even now there is pressure from some people in the Japanese GOV'T to have elderly die fast to put less pressure on the medical care system. In the old days it was about doing what was ordered and dying on the lines in War. I guess both are similar and set to serve your country. Imagine doing that in Canada or U.S.A and being told to do it fast.
Some info here
READ IT FAST AND DIE! (as you can make more bandwith for others to read it. LOL, Funny!)